BBC RADIO 4: Inside the Brain of Jeff Bezos
What drives the richest person in the world?
24 November 2020
40 mins
The Wired World in 2021
Smart, informed predictions for the year ahead
Published November 2020
BBC RADIO 4: The March of Robots
Will COVID-19 lead to people losing their jobs to machines?
In Business, 28 August 2020
30 mins
CNN TONIGHT BRASIL: Tips for working from home
How to make home-working work for you and the people you live with
CNN Tonight (Brasil), 24 August 2020
5 mins
(In Portuguese)
BBC WORLD SERVICE: Is this the internet we always wanted?
Rethinking the way we run the global network
Panelist and contributor
The Real Story, 27 June 2020
1 hour
BBC RADIO 4: From Our Home Correspondent
An embarrassing incident in a wind turbine in Wales
19 January 2020
5 mins