RADIOLAB: Kill ‘Em All
Using genes to stamp out disease-carrying mosquitoes
Radiolab podcast, 25 March 2014
20 mins
Nearly, but not quite
David Baker set off to conquer the Atlas mountains. He almost succeeded
Four Seasons magazine, Spring 2014
Life unplugged
Twenty-one days without the internet
Info Exame Brazil, March 2014
(originally published in Portuguese)
Training to be a divemaster
Six years ago, an underwater panic attack ended David Baker’s love affair with diving. Could he really train to be a divemaster?
Financial Times magazine, February 28 2014
Pilotless planes
Why there'll soon be no need for the man at the front Wired, December 2013 A black and red twin-propped Jetstream 31, registration G-BWWW, sits at BAE
BBC RADIO 4: The sugarman of Brazil
The incredible story of a maverick farmer who is changing the way we produce our food
The Food Programme, 11 November 2013
30 mins