BBC RADIO 4: Brazil’s modern-day Captains of the Sands
Uncovering the lives of the children and adolescents who live on streets of Salvador, Brazil's third-largest city
Crossing Continents, 29 March 2017
30 mins
In praise of pausing
This morning I woke up in a hurry. I didn't need to. I wasn't late for anything (and, besides I work from home). But I had that edgy-sicky-adrenaline-y feeling that comes when we
The Unconventionalists podcast, ep 57: What you need to know about the future of work
"I was blown away by the end of our conversation. Fasten your seatbelt and get a serious dose of reality check on what's about to happen to the future of the workplace." Podcast host Mark Leruste
30 January 2017
1 hour 10 mins
Don’t make new year’s resolutions
New year's resolutions are terrible idea. They're well intentioned, of course, and to begin with it feels great to hit January with a nice list of ideas for self-improvement. But, let's face it, the
BBC RADIO 4: The Male Room – Anger
What is it about men and anger?
12 December 2016
30 mins
A wiser approach to work/life balance
Forget the time management, it's all about attitude
Vida Simples Brazil, October 2016
(originally published in Portuguese)